5 Social Media Tips For Your Business
Community Manager Specialist
Plan For Each Social Media Channel
For a company that is just starting to become active on social media it’s best to focus on 3 networks or less. The reason for this is simple. You want quality over quantity. To achieve that define the key channels you want to begin with. Unless you have a team that is going to be dedicated 100% to social media only, it’s best to focus on less
Be Consistent
You don’t have to post multiple times a day nor every day to be successful. What you do have to do is post consistently. If you only want to post once a day, then make sure to post once a day every day. Now, if you decide to post 3 times a day, then select your times and make sure you are posting as scheduled. What about if you want to post every other day? Then go ahead, but again, make it a habit. If your business has a habit of posting with a pre-determined frequency, then your “fans” will get used to looking out for new posts from you in that frequency. If your posting on an erratic schedule, then people will get tired of not finding new content when they expect it.
Think High Quality, Post High Quality
This is a different facet of quality over quantity. Every single post you create and put out on your social media channels should meet certain criteria. From it being useful to your audience to entertaining your audience in one manner or another. If you’re a company focused on digital marketing in Orlando, then don’t post a picture of London’s Big Ben.
Images Over Text
Photos, pictures, images. Call them what you will, but know that they are the most shared type of content on social media. Having shareable content increases the exposure your brand receives at almost no cost to you. So make sure to incorporate images into your strategy for digital marketing in Orlando.
The new digital landscape is all about interaction. Communication is a two-way street. In traditional marketing you would create a radio ad or pay for a billboard and then would have to wait for the phone to ring to learn about how your message is being received. Worse yet, if it is being received negatively or is being misunderstood, then you might not have a way to fix it quickly. Also, you have to wait for someone to contact you and with traditional marketing, that’s a hassle. But with digital marketing, you can quickly change your messaging. Even better, you can clarify any doubts and you can have full-fledged conversations with potential clients.
Source: Demand Signals
About LaraNet: We are a web design firm focused to help you to grow your business and communicate with your customers and prospects using two simple but powerful tools: 1) Interactive Website and 2) Internet Marketing Strategy on social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc… Whether you want to work with just a web page, or launch or improve your presence on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or communicate with your customers through newsletters, or improve the location of your business in the search engines through Search Engine Optimization, or start marketing your products or services online, in LaraNet we can help you.
Community Manager Specialist.
Website designer in Houston, Web Designer in Houston, Web Site Developer in Houston, Webmaster in Houston, Internet Marketing Agency in Houston, Website Consultant in Houston, Enrique Antonio Lara Vidales, LaraNet, Web Design in Houston, Website Development in Houston, Open Source Content Management, Internet Marketing Services, Houston Small Business Websites, Integrated Internet Marketing, Content Marketing Specialist, Community Manager Specialist, Houston Internet Marketing for Small Business.