Tips to Create Content in Social Media
Content Marketing Specialist
Creating social media content your community connects with can be one of the hardest aspects of online marketing. Not only does it need to be engaging and interesting, but relevant and easy to consume.
Visual Content (Media, Owned, Informational/Entertaining)
You need to use pictures that support the mission and purpose of your business. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. That means the images you share must have a substantial impact on your customer, engaging both their heart and mind.
Not sure where to begin?
Look to your competition. Are they sharing creative visual content that their social media fans and followers eat up? If so, what can you learn from that?
Video / GIF / Expiring Content (Media, Real-Time, Promotional)
If you’re still in doubt whether video content is the future of social media marketing, all you have to do is blink. No matter the social network, a simple scroll through the newsfeed will inundate you with video content.
The video that you decide to create must include the right words and actions. Not sure what that might be for your brand? Do your research. Look to your keywords and hashtags across each social channel.
Infographic Content (Owned, Informational/Entertaining)
If you haven’t started using infographics yet, it’s time to get started. As it stands, the most shared content on social media is infographics mainly because it combines picture and text to tell a story. This works wonders considering that 40% of people respond better to visual information than just plain text.
How-To / Educational Content (Owned, Broadcast, Informational/Entertaining)
Let’s agree, when a customer visits your website, chances are they’re looking for a solution to a problem. They’ve Googled a keyword or phrase that led them to your article, product, or service.
That’s the main reason why “how-to” posts are so popular. How-to articles can help boost search results when readers find it valuable. This in turn positions you as the go-to authority within that space. Partner these types of posts with social media and you have content gold.
These articles typically start with “How to…” and come as a result of a search where your reader wants to “know, do, or accomplish” something specific. Use this information to position your content for quick consumption on social media.
Listicle Content (Informational/Entertaining, Text, Linking)
One particular type of content that has caught social media by storm are list-based posts. This type of content is meant to organize ideas and provide an answer in an easy to digest format.
Source: Rebekah Radice
About LaraNet: We are a web design firm focused to help you to grow your business and communicate with your customers and prospects using two simple but powerful tools: 1) Interactive Website and 2) Internet Marketing Strategy on social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc… Whether you want to work with just a web page, or launch or improve your presence on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or communicate with your customers through newsletters, or improve the location of your business in the search engines through Search Engine Optimization, or start marketing your products or services online, in LaraNet we can help you.
Content Marketing Specialist.
Website designer in Houston, Web Designer in Houston, Web Site Developer in Houston, Webmaster in Houston, Internet Marketing Agency in Houston, Website Consultant in Houston, Enrique Antonio Lara Vidales, LaraNet, Web Design in Houston, Website Development in Houston, Open Source Content Management, Internet Marketing Services, Houston Small Business Websites, Integrated Internet Marketing, Content Marketing Specialist, Community Manager Specialist, Houston Internet Marketing for Small Business.